Friday, February 02, 2007
Money can't buy Benz, nor its Dealer
What's surprising is that it may take you just as long to buy enough shares in the China Mercedes dealer Lei Shing Hong (238)!
The allure of the Mercedes brand needs no introduction. Hong Kong has the highest Mercedes 'density' in the world, but I think in time that'll pale compared to a major Chinese city like Shanghai or Beijing. And unlike a Rolex, a Mercedes can't be bought here in HK and carried across border (or more accurately not anymore) so it must be bought via dealers of LSH.
LSH hold a 49% interest in the Mercedes Benz distribution company in China/HK, Taiwan and Korea. It also runs Mercedes dealerships in the Northern and Eastern China, HK, Taiwan, Korea (where it distributes Porsche as well) and Vietman. LSH also distributes Caterpillar heavy equipment in Eastern China and Taiwan.
China/HK business contributed 77% of turnover while sales from automobiles (70%) and Caterpillar equipment (17%) contributed the bulk of turnover. LSH is a growth story of both luxury consumption and construction in China.
Automobile dealership can be a risky business with slow moving inventory tying up working capital, not the case with Mercedes Benz in China. And in worst case old stocks can be cleared with ease at a 10-15% discount, leaving LSH more or less unscratched.
Indeed, profit grew for 5 straight years, though mildly, and turnover only had a dip in 2004. 2006 interim reported 37% growth in turnover to $9b and 52% growth in profit to $170m. I expect 2006 profit to be a little more than $300m.
Maybe business was simply too easy, management found amusement in dangling stocks and foreign currencies and got burnt in 2005 losing close to $90m. LSH still made $252m that year.
LSH also spent some cash in building properties too. This one they had better luck and projects sold in the last 2 years made good profits. But I'd appreciate more if the management spent that cash to pay dividends or pay down its debt. At 2006 interim LSH held $1.6b cash and had $2.8b debt. Interest for half year was $95m. Dividends were unchanged for 5 years at only 3 cents.
With a market capitalization of $3.6b and NAV of $5.5b, LSH is a good bet on China premium auto. But liquidity of the shares is non-existent and it makes you wonder where the shares have gone. LSH is perhaps even harder to buy than a Mercedes.
DISCLOSURE: I don't hold 238 at time of writing.
Dividends were changed for 5 years at only 3 cents.
==> seem the management not willing to share the profit with investor as div. payout ratio is just 13% !
Maybe business was simply too easy, management found amusement in dangling stocks and foreign currencies and got burnt in 2005 losing close to $90m.
==> seem the management not focus on core busniess !
From 文匯報:
[2007-02-03] 「湯臣一品」或需繳50億
雖然上海的土地增值稅徵收管理細則尚未出台,但關於土地增值稅計算的幾種方法已經在業內普遍流傳。上海有會計師按「湯臣一品」之前的「天價」成交個案,對應土地增值稅的稅率推算,湯臣一品需要繳交的土地增值稅將達50億元(人民幣,下同)之巨,完全符合「天價」樓盤的身份。 本報記者:荊才
I honest don't know what the Tomson situation will be like between now and 2008. Right now we can only wait and see.
Of course I don't mind Tomson paying $5b tax if it can sell the units at 100k per sqft. On the other hand if it is forced to sell at substantially reduced prices, the eventual LAT paid will be substantially less as well, e.g. according to oriental news info, selling at 30k per sqft plus or minus will mean little or no LAT.
Which way it'll go, I can't tell.
I also agreed that privatization seems unlikely given the debt ratio. So, my only logical conclusion is that majority of the shares are eld my very few parties who use these shares as collateral for banks/loans...
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