Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A Look at the Glasses Companies

A while ago I found the glass companies all quite promising as the over capacity problem seemed to be nearing an end. But the prices jumped too quickly, as it had always had ahead of the relevant facts, so only the brave or informed were rewarded, handsomely, excluding me.

I then found some consolation in the glasses companies, which I think are still very reasonably priced in spite of their recent rises and should provide another opportunity to ride on the turnaround story. They are Arts Optical (1120), Sun Hing (125), and Elegance (907).

A few myth to rebut.

(1) Glasses, like shoes, have evolved from a necessity item into a fashion item. Take a look in a shop and you'd tempted to buy a pair yourself even you don't need one. Count the brands, Gucci, Prada, BV, D&G, Valentino, then count all the different style, shape, and colors and it's like you're in a mini department store. It's not unusual people nowadays have multiple pairs to match their clothes. What this brings is ample replacement demand, season in season out.

(2) RMB appreciating by 5%-7% a year is a lot but only against USD that is. If you look at how much more the Pound, Euro, and every other major currencies (except for the sorry yen) has appreciated against the USD, then you'd realize RMB has actually depreciated during this time. This made the China export very attractively priced (since it's priced in USD) and it's no coincidence that all three glasses companies had 2/3 of turnover from Europe. This also means more outsourcing opportunities though the major brands won't admit directly their glasses are made in China.

(3) Increasing production cost - this is really no concern if you look at the margin of the glasses makers, averaging over 10% in net margin. Remember glasses are now a fashion item and so follows the cardinal rule 'the more expensive the better'. A small rise in retail prices will more than take care of the costs. And I don't see the glasses makers being squeezed when its customers, i.e. importers and retailers, are having a good time.

I have slight preference for Arts Optical as it's the biggest and with the most active trading, but if you're buying for a longer term and in smaller quantities then either Sun Hing or Elegance is equally good. I remember Sun Hing outperformed quite a bit in the last up cycle while Elegance is now backed up a major European glassmaker and is a little cheaper too. Only Elegance has negligible debt while the other two have nil.

DISCLOSURE: I hold 1120 at time of writing. I don't hold 125 or 907 at time of writing.

"投資廣場" appears at 信報 every Thursday. Each article is an extract of the latest analyst reports on an industry or sector as well as its major listed players, a highly recommended news column.

投資廣場 2007-05-03


... 在過去一段日子,內地玻璃業因面對產能過剩而陷入低價搶爭市場的競爭狀態,同時油價急升使成本大幅上升,整體行業盈利陷於低潮,去年內地玻璃行業整體錄得三億四千七百萬元人民幣虧損。目前,國外前四位的跨國玻璃企業佔全球41%的平板玻璃和逾50%的深加工玻璃產量,相對而言,中國生產的玻璃總量在全球佔有率雖逾三成,但卻散落在近三百家大、中、小企業,且以普通浮法及平板玻璃等低階產品為主,在國際上的競爭力不強。

議價能力低 停產成本大

欲了解玻璃行業的周期性,其中一個方法是把它和同屬周期性行業的水泥業比較。事實上,這兩項產品主要都是用於建造業,行業內的企業同樣分散,亦沒有議價能力,屬於價格接受者(price taker);同時,兩者的原材料,包括製造玻璃用的重油(Heavy Oil)及純鹼(Soda Ash)、製造水泥所需的電力及煤,均屬市場商品,個別採購者難以影響其價格。



供需趨平衡 價格呈反彈










滙豐分析員指出,目前信義玻璃正興建首條超純玻璃(Ultra-pure Glass)生產線,預期可於今年第三季落成,隨着信義擴充旗下產品總類,已成為內地大型的綜合玻璃企業,未來有條件開發其他特種玻璃產品,或能提高利潤率。



相對而言,浙江玻璃的情況則較為簡單,其前景主要受玻璃行業周期所帶動。其早前公布業績,錄得虧損五千七百萬元人民幣,高盛指屬意料之內,並指其下半年情況已呈好轉。高盛指出,浙玻有雙重吸引點(Sweet Spot),首先是玻璃行業將進入周期性回升,而目前利潤水平約為每重力箱兩元人民幣,而上一次行業低潮為2002年,當時利潤水平約為十四元人民幣,較目前高出七倍;除價格回升外,其成功以煤焦油部分取代重油,有助削減約10%生產成本,其二條生產線將投產並增添33%產能,亦有助增加收入。

Thanks for your input. Yes I read that column too from time to time too, depending on the company covered each time.

But buying at current prices is too high for me, as I don't like to place too much hope (on earnings, growth, etc) on any share because that often disappoints. I'd rather buy when activities and attention are low, like when I first spotted them in January this year.
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